Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Short Story: Cellar Door

At the young age of four she stood at the cellar door, looking down at what might be hiding down those stairs. "Go, you baby!" She hears her brother scream as he nudges her arm ever so slightly. Palms sweaty, little legs shaking like branches in the wind. She takes her first step down the wooden steps leading to the cellar.
Much to her surprise she makes it down the sixteen steps leading to the icy cement floor, something she had never been able to do alone before. Filled with triumph she whips herself around to the the look of approval on her brothers face. Just as quick as she was able to turn her head the cellar door slammed shut. She heard heard the cackle of her brothers laugh and the sound of his foot steps becoming muffled as he walks further and further away.
A million thoughts rush through her head as she looks right and left seeing nothing but darkness, wondering  what may be lurking just around the corner. Stretching her little arms as long as she can, the light switch remains just out of reach. Determined to to prove her brother wrong and show him that she really was brave, she straightened her back, took a deep breath and ventured out into the dark unknown.

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